Alaska Air Service Terms and Conditions

Company Policy and Other Important Stuff

Information Exchange:
We gather information from you so that we can communicate effectively and ensure you are aware of the latest in your flight logistics, pricing, and other items regarding your reservation. We also gather information so that we can effectively be paid, often electronically. Some of what we ask validates who you are and confirms legality against fraud. We never release your information outside our company.

Liability and Risk:
Travel in and around Alaska can be risky. In all cases we take your safety seriously. We may make modifications to our trips regarding location, timing, and type of equipment in consideration of your safety. You have the responsibility to listen to our staff, especially the pilots who often make in flight decisions that may require us to cancel the trip. In these situations, we’ll issue a refund. In most cases it will be a full refund unless we can agree to a re-booking arrangement or some other means to satisfy your expectations. Please understand weather can change unexpectedly or other factors outside our control can influence the outcome of your adventures after we depart. You have the responsibility to be prepared for inclimate conditions with proper gear and attitude. Partial refunds or no refunds can result because a trip is cancelled if you are late or unprepared for your type of experience. Please know that we are practicing “safe tour” practices which include aircraft cleaning, onboard PPE programs, and precautions during your ground based tours. If you have concerns or questions please email us at or call 907.694.TOUR(8687).

While we’d love to guarantee you have an over-the-moon experience, we can’t promise that. We will promise to work hard on your behalf with the best equipment and personnel to ensure high quality. We promise to listen and adapt as best we can on that information. You have the responsibility to inform us of special issues such as airsickness or general uneasiness. We will do our very best to provide you a trip of a lifetime.

Animal behavior is unpredictable. We cannot guarantee that you will always be able to see the wildlife our staff sees. Some are hard to see to the untrained eye. Great viewing can depend on weather, time of day, other guests, and a multitude of factors. We are good at finding and pointing out animals. Circling or harassing animals is not our style. We’ll do our best to get you close to the animals but there are no guarantees that you will see them. You have the responsibility to listen to our directives and help our staff see wildlife. If you spot wildlife, absolutely speak up! Our Bose headsets communicate clearly to all passengers on board and we’d love your help pointing out these viewing opportunities. On the ground activity often requires significant walking over somewhat rough terrain. If you are not physically able to move freely, your experience and others viewing opportunities will be diminished.

Payment and Cancellation:
At least 50% payment is required at the time you book your flight. This indicates your commitment to Us. Final payment will be collected on the day of travel or by other arrangement. Should you cancel a reservation prior to the date of travel all your money will be refunded but, we ask you to call our office to arrange your refund. It’s our goal to provide you a trip of a lifetime, if we fail to do that please let us know. We love to talk about Alaska call 907.694.TOUR(8687) if you need clarification on anything about our company. We look forward to flying with you! More information can also be requested at